Campbell Hausfeld 3/8" Butterfly Impact Wrench (TL051700AV) product image

3/8" Butterfly Impact Wrench (TL051700AV)

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Score: 4.50. Votes: 2
Score: 4.50. Votes: 2
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  • mike
    Feb 27, 2019, 15:34
    this tl051700av was a good one held up very well. I went to use it one day and all it does is pass air forwardor rev. I lost my manual but I d like to fix this gun it looks like the air valves are worn out. if posable please send me the replacement valves my address is mike morin 2287 Eldorado ct st cloud fla 34771 any help would be welcome for me being disabled vet my hand have lost the strreght this is why I need the vale replacements