Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor, 30-Gallon Horizontal Two-Stage 26.1CFM GX390 Honda (CE7003) product image center

30 Gallon 2 Stage Gas Air Compressor (CE7003)

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Score: 3.45. Votes: 20
Score: 3.45. Votes: 20
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  • Tom
    Jul 22, 2017, 06:22
    When I was looking for a gas engine driven compressor I looked no further than Campbell Hausfeld. I have two of there shop compressors that I have always liked so I bought this one. This compressor is a bad boy! Huger recovery rate. I blow my combine off in the field with this compressor and it cycles on and off while the blow gun never stops. Looking forward to many years of use. Thank you for your great products.